domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

Happy Birthday forty-two for men who kidnap my heart and since then I could not leave to love. I love a shitload! ❤ ❤ ❤

Out the blue you came to me
and blew away life's misery
out the blue life's energy
out the blue you came to me 
Everyday i thank the lord and lady 
for the way that you came to me
anyway it had to be two minds one destiny 
Out the blue you came to me
and blew away life's misery
out the blue life's energy
out the blue you came to me 
All my life's been a long slow knife
i was born just to get to you
anyway i survived long enough to make you my husband
Out the blue you came to me
and blew away life's misery
out the blue life's energy
out the blue you came to me 
Like a u.f.o. you came to me
and blew away life's misery
out the blue life's energy
out the blue you came to me

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